
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Job in Gourmet Foods

Required a Store Manager

Gourmet Foods & Beverages need a highly professional Store Manager having good experience in Raw Material, Packaging Material and Inventory control management. Interested candidate will be offered good salary package. Send CV's at


  1. Very much outstanding blog about gourmet food packaging i think you also share again such nice info , the way of your style for writing blog is very much outstanding .in this blog you tell the packaging detail of
    different companies .gourmet food packaging also perform very well in the world of packaging .
    Many of gourmet packaging are very good and attractive of our beloved customer . kindly keep writing for such type of blog . are u share again such nice info . ??

  2. very Much outstanding blog that you write of our beloved readers , in this blog you tell the best ways and food packaging of gourmet packaging , many of companies proving best services of packaging but Gourmet packaging is good and very Good .
    its food items are also good. overall your blog is very much good and very good , kindly share again such type of info. Are you share again such informative blog ??
